Cumbria Fostering launches a campaign this month to raise awareness of a need for foster carers and Homestays providers for refugee children seeking sanctuary in the UK who need a safe, caring place to call home.
Foster carers across parts of the North-West are celebrating the opportunity to join the ground-breaking Mockingbird model, now available through local council fostering programmes in Cumberland and Westmorland & Furness.
Fostering can mean everything to those involved. That is the message of Cumbria Fostering’s emotive new short film, created in collaboration with over 100 councils.
Cumbria Fostering is supporting Kinship Care Week 2024 (7 to 13 October) with a campaign to celebrate more than 400 kinship carers across Cumbria who are raising children who are not their own.
Cumbria Fostering’s foster carers are sharing their special ‘fostering moments’ in a new short film and on social media, during Foster Care Fortnight (13 to 26 May).
Cumbria Fostering is inviting members of the LGBT community to consider whether they could change the life of vulnerable children duringLGBTQ+ Adoption & Fostering Week, which returns next week.
Are you ready for a fresh start and a life-changing new challenge in 2024? By becoming a foster carer with Cumbria Fostering you could make a difference which lasts a lifetime.
Cumbria Fostering is pleased to announce that Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council are among five local authorities to receive funding of more than £1m to boost foster carer recruitment in the region.